Monday, March 31, 2008

22 Natural Ways to Prevent Colds and the Flu

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
- Henry de Bracton

The flu season is just around the corner. And while those flus won’t kill you, they can weaken your immune system to the point that other, more dangerous, germs can take hold in your body. Just think how many times your cold turned into bronchitis or a sinus infection. And given that the average adult suffers two to three colds a year, that’s a lot of opportunities for serious illness — and just as many to prevent one!

Now I can’t promise you’ll never get hit with another cold or endure another bout of the flu, but you can increase your odds of staying well with these natural strategies. If you do get sick, I’ve also included some great tips for getting better faster.

1. Get gargling.

Japanese researchers found that a daily gargling with water reduces your cold risk. People who gargled with water were 36 percent less likely to be struck down when compared with non-garglers. The study suggests that simple water gargling is effective to prevent upper respiratory tract infections.

2. Drink, drink, drink!

Hot liquids like fruit teas and lemon drinks will ease any nasal congestion you feel coming on and prevent dehydration. A dried-out respiratory system will leave you more prone to infection.

3. Take a Sauna.

Researchers aren’t sure exactly how it works but a German study found that people who got steamed twice a week got half as many colds as those who didn’t. It may be down to the fact that sauna air temperatures are too hot for cold and flu viruses to survive.

4. Stop the blaming.

Believe it or not, blaming yourself makes you more likely to catch a cold! At least, that’s what Austrian researchers found when they studied more than 300 workers over three months. Even those who had control over their work were more likely to begin sneezing if they lacked confidence or tended to blame themselves when things went wrong. Researchers expect such attitudes make people more stressed on the job, and stress, as you know, can challenge your immune system.

5. Microwave your toothbrush.

Run your toothbrush through the microwave on high for ten seconds to kill germs that can cause colds and other illnesses. You think it gets your teeth clean — and it does. But once you’re done brushing, your toothbrush is a breeding ground for germs. Sterilize it in the microwave before you use it, or store it in hydrogen peroxide (rinse well before using), or simply replace it every month when you change the page on your calendar and after you’ve had a cold.

6. Crack open a window.

Leave the windows in your house open a crack in winter. Not all of them, but one or two in the rooms in which you spend the most time. This is especially important if you live in a newer home, where fresh circulating air has been the victim of energy efficiency. A bit of fresh air will do wonders for chasing out germs.

7. Focus on one word.

Once a day, sit in a quiet, dim room, close your eyes, and focus on one word. You’re meditating, a proven way to reduce stress. And stress, studies find, increases your susceptibility to colds. People experiencing emotional stress have weakened immune systems and are twice more likely to catch a cold than their calmer counterparts.

8. Wash you hands!

And do it often. Most cold and flu viruses are spread by direct contact. The Naval Health Research Center conducted a study of 36,000 recruits who were ordered to wash their hands five times a day. The recruits cut their incidence of respiratory illnesses by 45 percent.

9. …twice is even better.

When Columbia University researchers looked for germs on volunteers’ hands, they found one handwashing had little effect, even when using antibacterial soap. So wash twice if you’re serious about fending off colds.

10. Public restrooms’ strategy.

Studies find a shockingly large percentage of people fail to wash their hands after using a public restroom. And every single one of them touches the door handle on the way out. So after washing your hands, use a paper towel to turn off the faucet. Use another paper towel to dry your hands, then open the door with that paper towel as a barrier between you and the handle. It sounds nuts, but it’s an actual recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control to protect you from infectious diseases like cold and flu.

11. Use your knuckle to rub your eyes.

It’s less likely to be contaminated with viruses than your fingertip. This is particularly important given that the eye provides a perfect entry point for germs, and the average person rubs his eyes or nose or scratches his face 20-50 times a day.

12. Eat that yogurt.

Researchers from University of California found that individuals who ate one cup of yogurt — whether live culture or pasteurized — had 25 percent fewer colds than non-yogurt eaters. Start your yogurt eating right away to build up your immunity before cold and flu season starts.

13. Inhale air from your blow-dryer.

It sounds nuts, I know. But one study conducted at Harvard Hospital in England found that people who breathed heated air had half the cold symptoms of people who inhaled air at room temperature. Set the dryer on warm, not hot, and hold it at least twenty inches from your face. Breathe in the air through your nose for as long as you can — 20 minutes is best.

14. Go garlic.

When 147 volunteers received either one garlic supplement a day or a placebo for twelve weeks between November and February, those taking the garlic were not only less likely to get a cold, but if they did catch one, their symptoms were less intense and they recovered faster.

15. Getting z’s = no flu.

The fact that a certain amount of sleep is required in order to remain healthy cannot be repeated enough. Not only does sleep help you stay alert throughout your day, but it also helps your immune system stay strong. Try to get at least seven hours of sleep a night, and you’ll be less susceptible to the flu.

16. Water does the body good.

How many times have you heard that eight glasses a day is good or you? Probably every day. This habit is a good one for your body in many ways, as it washes out your system, and is needed in order to maintain a healthy diet and a clear, healthy complexion.

17. Get some exercise.

Exercise is very healthy for your body, in many ways. By exercising regularly, you’re not only developing muscle mass and strength, you’re also making your immune system a heavyweight champion.

18. Lower the heat.

Lower the heat in your house 5 degrees. The dry air of an overheated home provides the perfect environment for cold viruses to thrive. And when your mucous membranes (i.e., nose, mouth, and tonsils) dry out, they can’t trap those germs very well. Lowering the temperature and using a room humidifier helps maintain a healthier level of humidity in the winter.

19. Wipe, don’t blow.

Your cold won’t hang around as long, according to a University of Virginia study. Turns out that the force of blowing not only sends the gunk out of your nose into a tissue, but propels some back into your sinuses. And, in case you’re curious, they discovered this using dye and X rays. If you need to blow, blow gently, and blow one nostril at a time.

20. Sneeze and cough into your arm.

Whoever taught us to cover our mouths when we cough or sneeze got it wrong. That just puts the germs right on our hands, where you can spread them to objects — and other people. Instead, hold the crook of your elbow over your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough if a tissue isn’t handy. It’s pretty rare that you shake someone’s elbow or scratch your eye with an elbow, after all.

21. Don’t pressure your doctor for antibiotics.

Colds and flu (along with most common infections) are caused by viruses, so antibiotics — designed to kill bacteria — won’t do a thing. They can hurt, however, by killing off the friendly bacteria that are part of our immune defenses. If you’ve used antibiotics a lot lately, consider a course of probiotics — replacement troops for friendly bacteria.

22. Doctor, doctor.

All these are simple ways to help you avoid the flu — but they are not substitutes for medical treatment or advice.

Remember that the flu is something that everyone gets once in a while, and there is no 100% guarantee to prevent it. But if you want to decrease your chances of being stuck at home with a pesky flu, use these tips. That doesn’t mean you can’t still call in sick once in a while…

The 7 Habits of Highly Successful Moneymakers

“Money isn’t the most important thing in life, but it’s reasonably close to oxygen on the “gotta have it” scale.”
- Zig Ziglar

Making money — whether it be through investing in the stock market, managing your own business, or real estate — isn’t just about doing the math and coming out on top with a little luck. For better or worse, success is often determined by you and you alone.

Looking at some of the successful millionaires in the world, the money they possess may blind you or the notoriety the public bestows upon them distracts your judgment. But at second glance, there are certain factors that have contributed to their success and popularity. With almost every successful person, there are common habits that add to their wealth or catapult them into the spotlight. The good news is — you don’t have to be a millionaire to follow the same path and develop successful habits of your own.

1. Be realistic.

Realism is the fine line that you walk between optimism and negativity. A successful individual is a realist, which means that he’s never going to shoot himself in the foot by being negative, but he’s not going to take risks based on groundless conclusions.

Consider Bill Gates. When he left Harvard to follow his vision at Microsoft, he took a huge risk. But that risk wasn’t entirely unfounded. Bill knew what the rest of us would later learn: personal computers would be the wave of the future if only software could be more user-friendly.

You don’t have to be as far thinking as Bill Gates, but you should learn something from his decision making. Before you make a key decision, ask yourself whether you’re being reasonable. It’s a hard thing to do, but the most successful among us are able to step outside of themselves for a moment and evaluate the situation.

2. Seize the day.

The best ideas in the world are useless if they’re not put into action. But action can be a double-edged sword because action for the sake of action can easily become reckless.

The mindset that separates the men from the boys in this field is being uncomfortable with inaction. In other words, a successful individual will never sit around waiting for something to happen. He may not invest any money in a given year, but he’ll always be looking and exploring. That’s what made Warren Buffett such a success. His specialty is buying undervalued companies.

Buffett has been beating the pants off the S&P500 since 1965, but it’s not just luck that gets him there. As a man of action, Buffett knows how to harness his aggressive side, but at the same time he has the discipline not to go overboard.

Berkshire Hathaway — the conglomerate Buffett manages — has billions per year in revenues, which means a lot of buying and selling. But that kind of success keeps him focused on replication. Buffett continues to pursue the stated goals of the company by sticking to his rock-solid business plan. Deviations are not allowed. And the theory behind that is: Don’t fix what isn’t broken.

3. Have a master plan.

Successful moneymakers may not have every detail of their future mapped out, but they do have some sense in their minds of the steps they’re going to take in life. Somewhere, they’re programming.

Here’s an example: Scientists surveyed the Yale class of 1953, and found that 3 percent had written down financial goals for their futures at their college graduation. When the group reconvened in 1973, this 3 percent of the class that had started their careers with some kind of plan controlled more combined net worth than the other 97 percent combined.

4. Capitalize on your passion/knowledge.

If you don’t love it, it’s nearly impossible to get others to love it. By focusing on something that you’re enthusiastic about, you’ll give yourself extra resources that can’t be quantified.

Any financial undertaking is going to be hard and you’re going to have to put in extra work that you couldn’t have predicted. That’s where the enthusiastic man has an edge. When you’re working on your passion, you don’t mind the extra work. In fact, if you’re really on the right track, it won’t seem like work at all.

Larry Ellison, the founder of Oracle, took his passion for mathematics and computers, and revolutionized the database world. That might sound unexciting to a lot of us, but to Ellison, it was a dream come true. Maybe your passions don’t have nearly as much commercial upside, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t worth looking at.

Sometimes following that passion means putting yourself outside the mainstream. A lot of people shy away from this, and it’s true, you can go too far. But no successful businessman could ever be described as someone who followed the crowd. Successful individuals live outside the crowd so they can move the crowd. You just need to make sure you’re not too far removed from the crowd.

5. Have outer confidence.

Confidence is the fundamental key to almost anything in life, whether you’re running a business, selling a product, or trying to finance your idea. If you don’t project confidence, you won’t get very far. But it’s more than just being confident that matters. Confidence allows you to surround yourself with quality people, who will push you and who you can in turn push to greater and greater heights. In other words, confidence is the building block that allows you to make the whole greater than the sum of its parts.

In a nutshell, that’s the success story behind Jack Welch, the former CEO of General Electric. Rather than operating this financial empire by micromanaging people, Welch did what all of us should do: pick the very best people to surround ourselves with, give them a goal, and let them get things done. Welch even went so far as to find a business partner in his second wife, Suzy, with whom he co-wrote the bestseller Winning.

6. Check your feelings at the door.

It’s nothing personal; it’s just business. Those are words to live by, but too many individuals fail because they take it personally. A friend might tell you that your idea stinks; rather than get defensive, find out why he thinks your idea stinks. And never let the criticism get you down. The more success you have, the more criticism will be thrown in your direction.

Few people recall that the nineties were lean years for Donald Trump, who was on the verge of personal bankruptcy. As a successful businessman and a celebrity in his own right, naysayers were lining up to watch him fall. Did he? Of course not. Trump buckled his belt, dumped underperforming investments, raised revenues, and put himself back on top. What he didn’t do was listen to people who were clamoring to watch him fall.

7. Feel entitled to your moneybags.

Do you feel positive about money? Do you think there is not enough to go around, or that you should feel ashamed and guilty if you have more than someone else? If you believe millionaires are scrambling to gobble more of the pie at the expense of others, you’re not thinking like one.

If you feel negative about money, or you don’t feel entitled to it, you have a lot of what is called “poverty thinking” and that will defeat the other traits that enable the millionaire to achieve. Remember: Self-made millionaires feel justified and worthy in their use of money.

The essential thing is to know where you’re weak. If you’re lacking in one department, be honest with yourself and build on that deficiency. Or, find a friend that you can trust who complements your strengths and weaknesses. Remember: You are your No.1 asset, and it pays to know yourself inside and out.

Monday, March 24, 2008

What in prince Garry was earlier, clinic or narcotics?

When in the past year the newspaper News of the World published communication, that prince Garry, to whom then there were 16 years, uses narcotics, royal family and its advisers probably sighed with relief.

Newspapers not one month noted in the behavior of prince the signs of the fact that it strayed of true, but finally, instead of joyfully opening of fire on straying tineydzheru, they published touching history about understanding and thoughtful father, prince uel'sskiy.

On seven pages in the number of 13 January News of the World it told about how prince Charles sent Garry to the center on the rehabilitation of druggies, after learning about the fact that its son smokes marijuana and much he drinks.

"Charles decided to frighten Garry, after sending him to the session of psychotherapy with the people, which suffer heroine dependence", it reported newspaper. According to the "friend of family" it "never no longer touched the narcotics".

In this entire touching history there is only one discrepancy: prince Garry visited clinic Featherstone Lodge before News of the World reported that it uses narcotics.

In the first in the life newspaper interview the former main expert according to the connections with the community of prince uel'sskiy Mark bolland recognizes that the sequence of events in the history was changed in order to present Charles in the advantageous light and to bring feature under the scandal.

"the fact that center they represented as the solution of problem, led me into the confusion, he says in the second part of the interview, published today in Media Guardian. News of the World they led into error ".

At that time some reviewers saw after the publication the hand Of bollanda, close friend of the then editor News of the World Of rebeki Of ueyd, but newspaper vozmushchenno rejected similar assumptions.

However, in interview Guardian Of bolland he says, that reported News of the World about a stay of Garry in clinic Featherstone Lodge already after newspaper assembled dossier about his alcoholism and use of narcotics.

"we stood before the selection, he stated. - it was necessary either to attain that these charges would not see light or to allow newspaper to publish them and to extract from this maximum benefit ".

It asserts that prince Garry visited Featherstone Lodge during June or July 2001, and journalists obtained the proofs of the fact that it uses narcotics, only during August or during September.

The News Of The World From the commentaries refused.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

President Bush again began to drink-"One member of his family said to me that they fear, that George" is decomposed as personality "

After encountering with the greatest crisis for his political life, President Bush again was applied to the bottle.

Bush, who indicated that it threw to drink next day after its fortieth anniversary, again it began to drink during the catastrophe, caused by the hurricane Of "katrina".

Sources in the family of the President described that the 59- summer President was caught by the wife Of loroy on their family ranch in Krouforde, when he, after learning about the calamities caused by hurricane, saws alcoholic. After being worried, it yelled: "stop, George!"

As said sources, after this shocking case, about which for the first time it communicates in our publication, Lora confidentially said to husband that it must not begin again to drink and it promised more frequently to drive with it into the trips in order to have the capability to follow it.

"judging by everything, it felt the need for drinking, when in new Orleans dams burst open, said one insayder. - it poured to itself clean whisky and by volley drank. The first lady arrived into the horror and yelled: "stop, George!" "

"Lora earlier already advanced to it ultimatum, ' or ' Dzhim Beam ' ("Jim Beam "- type of whisky, note of mountain pass), or 4 '. She does not want the repetition of that nightmare - especially now, in such complex times for its husband ".

In Bush now the most difficult period in all two periods of a stay in the post, and his popularity approaches the lowest level in always. The actions of authorities during of the caused By the "katrinoy" crisis and loss of American troops in Iraq became the reasons of the dissatisfaction of society and they pushed slightly Bush to the bottle.

It said one of the sources in Washington: "is sad the fact that it secretly saws already several weeks. Lora simply recently noted this - in actuality it saws already for a while when it was in the capital. Here narrower several months it experiences enormous stress ".

"war in Iraq, death of Americans they very strongly catch it. It assumes the life of each soldier closely to the heart. All this emotionally dried it ".

As a result it began to drink, most likely secretly in order to manage the piled situation. "A now, when its administration survives the most serious crisis, caused by the hurricane" Of katrina ", there remains only to pray so that its thrust to the alcoholic would not leave from under the control".

Another source said: "4 it is astonished only by the fact that it did not begin to drink earlier. Before the hurricane Of "katrina" it was on the face of insanity. I know it many years. It was always old good Texas fellow. George long years suffered alcoholism and, according to the evidence of the majority of professionals, he needed treatment. It in the treatment does not believe, it never was treated. It saws in the youth, in the college and still for long after to it it knocked 30 years. Around it all drinking ".

Another source said: "one member of his family said to me that they fear, that George" is decomposed as personality ". To the first lady they charged the work of watchman in winch. "the history of Bush's alcoholism begins from the young years. Saying about its youth, about the years of service in the national guard, he said: "only, that I remember and how greatly I be proud, so this my drinking bouts and participation in the parties. Here these were times, friends. These were old good days!"

In 1972, at the age of 26 years, it allegedly after the entire night of alcoholism with the 16- summer brother, Marvinom (Marvin), wanted to fight with its father.

First November of 2000, on the eve of his first election as the President, Bush recognized that in his 1976 they arrested for control of automobile in the state of alcoholic intoxication not far from the house of his parents in Meyn city. Bush, to whom then there were 30 years, recognized himself as the guilty and paid penalty in the amount of 150 dollars. USA. Its driver certification was temporary iz"yato in Meyne.

"of this 4 I do not be proud, he said. - I made a number of errors. Sometimes 4 too many saws, and so were in that evening. I will extract from this lesson for itself ". In other interview, which relate approximately to the same period of its life, he said: "well, 4 I do not think that it suffered alcoholic dependence. You do know, to me it is difficult to judge this. In me, you do know, was the friend- dipsomaniacs, who experienced strong predilection to the alcoholic... and it was necessary to be applied by it to the bottle (for the beginning) in order to go to the meeting of association "anonymous dipsomaniacs". I do not think that 4 itself was similar ".

During its campaign on the selections in the Presidents in 2000 persistently were assigned questions, that before it assumed cocaine. Subsequently Bush denied, that assumed cocaine after 1992, then very rapidly it passed to the statements, that it ceased to assume cocaine as long ago as 1974, at the age of 28 years.

Dr. dzhastin Frank (Justin Frank), psychiatrist from Washington, federal region Columbia, and the author of the book "Bush On The Couch: Inside The Mind Of The President "(Bush on the medical couch: What on the mind in the President"), it stated to the reporter of newspaper" The National Enquirer ": "I actually consider that Bush again washed down. The dipsomaniacs, who participate not in what programs as our President, experience the great difficulties, when stress becomes very strong. Uneasiness is caused, that Bush disappears during the stress. He conducts so much time on his ranch. This greatly frightens ".

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Kuchma about Timoshenko: "in the very snout into the gun." Julia about its appearance of another opinion
She wants to become the prime minister

Monday, March 17, 2008

Increasingly better - to the children of managers Disney

Company Walt Disney shook sequential corporate scandal. For commission for securities and exchanges OF THE USA it was possible to explain that top managers Disney arranged to themselves practically all their relatives and paid to them enormous compensation. But the shareholders of company about this until recently nothing knew.

Even the best public companies fairly often reveal by no means all essential facts in their financial account. Corporate scandals in THE USA and Europe of the last years (Enron, WorldCom, Parmalat) - bright to volume confirmation. But in such cases the very important for the company - to find that face, where it is necessary to stop. Indeed it is not possible to infinitely hide entire truth about the activity of the company: and control organs will not give, and shareholders not prostyat.

It is possible to say that the most widely known American company Walt Disney Co if did not pass this face, then at least close to it it approached. Lately company occurs in the center of different corporate scandals. This time this is "family" scandal.

As explained the workers of commission for securities and exchanges OF THE USA (SEC),
company did not open in the reports from 1999 through 2001 money payments and compensation to some directors of company. Most interesting in this situation in the fact that all of director, the obtained "excess" money, the relatives of the top managers of company.

In the account not it was reflected, for example, that Disney hired three children of the directors of company, who obtained yearly compensation from $60 thousand to $150 thousand.

Remained concealed before the shareholders the fact that husband of one of the directors were hired into the daughterly company with the 50-percent portion Disney and obtained yearly compensation for the sum of approximately $1 million.

Finally, the inquisitive workers SEC dug out, that in the account not were reflected the regular payments Disney the corporation, whose owner - one of the top managers of company. This corporation allowed to it different services - from the corporate aircraft to the driver, that are evaluated in $200 thousand yearly.

The deputy director of department for the penalties of the commission of Lind Tompsen it stated: "shareholders are extremely interested in the questions, which are concerned the attitudes of company with her directors.
The fact that the director of company they hid this connection, gives the possibility to shareholders to estimate their objectivity and independence ".

As the representatives of the commission stated: "Disney agreed to restore the disrupted order, without recognizing, but also without denying our conclusions". Moreover, company agreed not to disrupt the requirement of federal legislation in the region of disclosing the information in the future. For this they did not begin to fine it.

The members of commission began to call no one of the members of the council of directors, mixed in the scandal. But for workers SEC it was possible to explain during the past checkings that the children of the former members of the council of the directors Of revety Of bouvers, Stanley Gold and Watson's Raymonda worked on the company. It is assumed that the wife of director, who obtained legendary compensation, she was the husband of John brison, executive director of company Lifetime Television.

It is now unknown, it did leave company.

The Vice President of company for the corporate connections Disney Of zen'ya Of musha it refused to comment "gazete..Ru" statement SEC. "we do not comment on statement SEC, and we do not have as yet statement on this question", she said.

For Disney 2004 - truly unsuccessful. Moreover that against the company advanced are somewhat claim on the disturbance of copyrights, so even and shareholders attempt in the law court to prove that the present leader Disney Mayk Of eysner badly governs company.

True, until there is no resolution of law court for this question.

Osama Ben Laden it is living. Special services intercepted letters "terrorist number 1"

The American and Pakistani special services have all foundations for hope that the arrest of Khaled sheykha mukhammed, chief planner of "Al-Qaeda", who occurred on past Saturday, can expel the chapter of the terrorists of Osama Ben laden from the refuge.

For the first time since during December 2001 Ben laden succeeded herself in being pulled out from the siege Thor- borons, their Afghan stronghold, its persecutors can state that it is still living and, probably, it hides itself "somewhere in North Pakistan" - that so for long denied Islamabad. As the representatives of Pakistani reconnaissance in Peshawar noted, "after the seizure of Mohammed Ben laden will leave the shelter, and, when this occurs, will appear outstanding chance to catch it".

The chief strategist of "Al-Qaeda" Mohammed was arrested on the north of Pakistan in Ravalpindi city. Pakistani officials are assured that Mohammed, who played main role in planning of the attacks on 11 September in THE USA, recently was connected with Ben laden. After Pakistani special services revealed the refuge of Mohammed - two-story building in the quiet and well guarded region Of ravalpindi, populated predominantly by the officers of Pakistani army on the pension, they did not hurry it to arrest, since they hoped that it can bring them to Ben laden. The shadowing was established after Mohammed; however, it so did not enter the contact with the terrorist number one, and in order not to miss it, the police and the commandos of Pakistani army broke in the dwelling of Mohammed and arrested him.

Confidence in the fact that Ben laden hides somewhere in Pakistan, grew considerably after Pakistani intelligence service intercepted several letters, written by the chief of "Al-Qaeda". The content of these letters was transmitted TO TSRU. Among the places, where can be hidden Ben laden, is called the north of Pakistan - mountainous boundary with Afghanistan locality, the capital of the country Islamabad or the same city Of ravalpindi, where Ben laden can walk directly under the nose in the armed forces of Pakistan and government.

As reported to publication TIME source in the Pakistani special services, four wives of Ben laden and more than his ten children, most likely, they are located in Iran, where anti-American revolutionary guards granted refuge to them. According to the information of the same source, together with Ben laden in Pakistan can be hidden his deputy and ideologist of "Al-Qaeda", Egyptian doctor ayman al -Zavaxiri, who for some time left region "for the unknown reasons"; however, now it returned into Pakistan.

Pursuit of Mohammed, third person in "Al-Qaeda", began in the southern Pakistani city of Quetta, where it some time hid itself. On 13 February Pakistanis with the support TSRU broke into its apartment in the working city district. Mohammed there it did not prove to be, but it was delayed its associate, who supplied special services with the information, which led them into the new lair of Mohammed in Ravalpindi. In Kvette were also revealed the Internet- clubs, from where Mohammed sent the encoded communications to the addresses of the terrorist cells of "Al-Qaeda" in THE USA, Europe and Asia.

"after the detention of Mohammed we hope that let us be able to decipher the codes, which he used, and to destroy its global terrorist network", stated the source mentioned above.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

"Drawn" $74,4 billion WorldCom totaled of the machinations of its leaders

The previous leaders of the American corporation OF THE MCI (been WorldCom) placed world record on the transformation of losses into the profit. Second largest operator of the long-distance communication OF THE USA pririsoval in its accounting $74,4 of billion nonexistent profit in order to hide losses in $64,5 billion from the shareholders and the partners.

The most important bankrupt in the history OF THE USA now officially can be considered as the most important corporate swindler. On Friday OF THE MCI were directed into the commission for securities and exchanges total materials on business WorldCom, including the audded financial reports for the years 2000 - 2002 profit to the payment of taxes in 2000 and 2001 it was reduced on $74,4 billion.

On the wave of telecommunication boom in 1999 action WorldCom cost $74, and market capitalization reached $185 billion. But already in the following year, as fresh data OF THE MCI testify, company incurred loss in $48,9 billion (in the account it was indicated profit in $4,6 billion). But this falsification did not rescue WorldCom, and in 2001 company again drew profit in $2,1 billion instead of the real loss in $15,6 billion.

WorldCom, in particular, fanned profits, artificially understating the expenses (volume of such machinations it composed $4,8 billion). For example, the current expenses, which must be immediately read from the incomes, were considered as the capital the consumption, which can be copied for many years. But disturbances in the calculation with the absorptions composed $5,8 billion. In order not to spoil its financial indices, WorldCom in 2000 - 2001 it did not begin to overestimate the active memberships purchased previously, although already then it was obvious that they strongly fell in price because of the collapse in the sector of technologies and tele-communications. Now THE MCI declared about the writing off of active memberships on $59,8 billion.

The facts of the distortion of accounting of corporation were revealed during June 2002, and already during July company declared about bankruptcy. At that moment it had available active memberships on $107 billion, and its losses in 2002 composed $9,2 billion. Today the actions OF THE MCI deal only on the non-stock jobbing market on $0,12.

After promulgating the complete information about the disturbances allowed in the account, THE MCI hopes to leave bankruptcy toward the end of April. The chairman of the council of directors and director general Maykl Of kapellas hoped to make this earlier, but the revision of financial results proved to be too difficult a task. The bookkeeping books WorldCom were actually rewritten anew with the participation of the auditorial company KPMG. "it is confident, that no one earlier carried out never so scale a revision of financial account", recognizes Robert blekli, the financial director OF THE MCI. According to him, it is more than 500 to auditors and for bookkeepers it was necessary to rewrite almost 3 million bookkeeping records in account WorldCom. Same this work managed company in $250 million.

Actually, other cases of corporate swindle in THE USA grow dim in comparison with scales WorldCom. Thus, Enron overstated profit more than on $1 billion and hid debts on $8 billion. The volume of the disturbances revealed in 2003 in company HealthSouth (one of the largest operators of hospitals in THE USA) composed $4,6 billion, Xerox in 2002 acknowledged in the additions on $6,4 billion, and Qwest Communications it overstated its incomes in 2000 - 2001 on $2,5 billion.

Two weeks ago to the former director general WorldCom for Bernardo ebbers was produced charge in the swindle with securities, the plot and the assignment of false information to controls. Ebbers rejected these charges, but the former financial director of corporation Scott Sullivan, to whom the imprisonment with period up to 165 years threatened, it recognized itself as the guilty and promised to collaborate with the consequence. But THE MCI in order to regulate charges in the swindle, even during May 2003 agreed to pay to investors $750 of million. (they are used materials WSJ.)

"Putin is the richest person of Europe and one of the richest people of the world"

Political scientist Stanislav belkovskiy gave the interview for the German publication Die Welt, in which it asserts that Vladimir Putin is important businessman. According to him, "he checks 37% of actions" Of surgutneftegaza ", whose market cost is 20 billion dollars. Furthermore, it checks 4,5% of actions Of "gazproma". In company Gunvor, which trades in oil, Putin through his representative gennadi timchenko has 50%. In the past year its the turnover left 40 billion dollars, and profit - 8 billion ". If this information corresponds to reality, then only blocks of the shares Of surgutneftegaza and Gazproma make the President unattainable for the home-grown oligarchs. Their cost exceeds 32 billion dollars, and together with by indicated The the belkovskim half Gunvor, the state of the President occurs two times higher than the state of the very wealthy man of Russia, in version Forbes of the novel of Abramovich ($18,7 billion) and approaches the third place in the world list Forbes - to Mexican Carlos slimu Hull, whose state it is evaluated at 49 billion dollars.

In 2003 Of surgutneftegaz it ceased to reveal the data about its owners. To of this 37% regulation capital of company (41,2% of voting actions) belonged OOO the "leasing of prodakshn", which itself was daughterly company "surgutneftegaza". the "leasing of prodakshn" it was created at the end of 2003, by conversion from THE NK Of "surgutneftegaz", the former maternal company of holding. Thus, the management Of "surgutneftegaza" proved to be by the full-fledged owner of company, without being her formal owner. However, from 22 December 2006, Of "surgutneftegaz" do not manage portions in OOO the "leasing of prodakshn". After learning about this, on the market they addressed about the change of owner; however, during January NPF Of "surgutneftegaz" it reported that now manages 93% OF UK the "leasing Of prodakshn" and analysts assumed that this is measure for protection from unfriendly absorption. From other side, it is unknown, is the "leasing Of prodakshn", until now, the owner 37%- foot block of the shares of petroleum company, since since 2003 these actions could already many times replace owner.

Rumors assigned control over notorious 37 percent Of "surgutneftegaza" both to its Director-General Vladimir Bogdanov and et al. of the President of Russia gennadi timchenko, and also to Vladimir Putin himself. So that Stanislav belkovskiy only recorded one of the popular it was auditory and in practice it can seem that this shareholdings is checked not by Vladimir putin, but by the Pope. However, the probability of the second version is considerably less than the first - and the matter here completely not in holiness.

Relative to the origin 4,5% block of the shares Of gazproma, control over which Stanislav belkovskiy assigns to Vladimir Putin, it is sufficiently complicated. This packet belongs to the company Of suleymana Of kerimova "GNK" (former "Naphtha- Moscow"). Forbes was estimated the state Of suleymana Of kerimova into 7,1 billion dollars, whereas only block of the shares Of "gazproma" costs more than 10 billion dollars. This certainly, is strange, but hardly even indirectly proves the belonging of this block of the shares of gas monopolist with the President of Russia. Equally well Vladimir Putin could be one of the agents of Sergey mavrodi, who stated that in the beginning of the 90th by them to vauchery there was skupleno 7% actions Of "gazproma" and they were designed to the different people.

Itself Stanislav belkovskiy, commenting on the origin of this shareholdings, said, that only, that it can say that "they belonged and belong to foreign investors. Respectively occurred overflow from some foreign investors to others. Previous vygodopriobretateli, and present, were the citizens of Russia, hidden after the chains of off-shore companies ".

Here increasingly simpler with neftetreyderom Gunvor. Russia's first about it mentioned Ivan Rybkin before the presidential elections 2004, speaking that "well-known Abramovich, which stand in the shadow Timchenko, the brothers Koval'chuki and others answer for the business of Putin". But recently director Gunvor Of torb'orn Tornkvist it confirmed to agency Reuters that 50% of company belong to the friend of the President of Russia gennadi timchenko. To estimate the real cost Gunvor is sufficiently complicated. With the condition of the eternity of the administration of Putin in Russia (and, correspondingly, the constancy of contracts with the Russian petroleum companies), the cost of this neftetreydera can comprise not less than 20 billion dollars, which adds not less than 10 billions to the state of Vladimir Putin on the version Of belkovskogo. But so, or otherwise, it is obvious, that the President of Russia either skillfully disguises his state or he is one of most that convinced nestyazhatelem in the world. Indeed while the state of its friends, such as brothers Koval'chuki or gennadi timchenko, steadily grows, President himself, according to his declaration about the incomes, given in TSIK, more richly it does not become [... ]