Saturday, August 25, 2007
Frank pictures of chancellor Merkel
Juicy pictures of the chancellor Angels Merkel have caused protests in Germany. The British reporters managed to photograph the german chancellor in one of the Italian hotels during change of a bathing suit, and from rear about what the chancellor and did not suspect.
The knees little bit turned inside, cellulitis on hips, the black bathing suit not so suitable on the size. Faces of object it's not visible, the head and a back are covered by a wide white bathing dressing gown, but the person does not raise the doubts – at least, at publishers of a tabloid.
The photos decorating the next release of the British tabloid, one of the well-known ambiguous signatures accompanies: " I'm Big in the Bumdestag ". Further – it's more: phrases with double sense, a word-play with the name of german parliament and an English word "back", analogies between economy and buttocks, between strikes and bends of a body.
Such sense of humour has not caused in Germans of delight. The press-secretary of the german government has explained similar low-grade pictures of the British journalists, and has declared, what even the chancellor has a right to a private life - she was on vacation in Italy with husband - Hoakim Zauer.
The official representative of the government has informed, that Merkel is not going to show charge: " She does not plan legal steps. The public verdict in Germany concerning these headings more than is clear ". Differently, Merkel has decided to ignore this as there are more serious affairs.
The press-secretary of the German government Thomas Shteg has declared, that publications of a tabloid – " not the best display of the British art ". This opinion has divided also the British embassy: " the press of the United Kingdom has old traditions of absence of respect: it's not necessary to overestimate value of article ".
In german mass-media the unknown wave of indignation has risen. German tabloid Bild has written, that in Britain " sneer at our chancellor ". A subtitle of article - " whence such hatred? " - shows a rhetorical question, considering traditional antipathy between national British and German press, considers Corriere della Sera.
Germans, many of which live preparation for the world championship forthcoming by summer on football, promise to revenge Englishmen on a field, having arranged Englishmen " grandiose scolding ".
The british correspondent of"The Times" in Berlin Roger Boyse considers, that article in The Sun - " the perverted compliment ". That fact, that a tabloid is interested in her, means, that today Merkel is the person who makes news. " Angel Merkel, apparently, has reached a level of Carolina Monako - her perceive seriously, our curiosity is satisfied ", - speaks Boyse.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Americans have declared the Brazilian leader the drunkard
The authoritative American newspaper « New York Times » has tried to distract attention of fellow citizens from scandal with violence above Iraq captured, having transferred arrows on destiny of Brazilians to which the alcoholism of 58-years president Luisa Inasiu Lula da Silva ostensibly threatens, because of this the head of the state forgets « some Portuguese words » and if sometimes as says strange things. The president, assures the edition, does not miss a case to drink a glass of beer, to toss of a glass whisky or a traditional Brazilian cocktail "kashasy". The newspaper explains to this also political failures of the president in struggle against corruption and poverty.
The press-service of the president of Brazil has named the publication « groundless, slanderous and a sample of the worst grade of journalism ». The president is going to bring an action against the newspaper. On this to her editor will be soon informed by the ambassador of Brazil in the USA. One of the Brazilian members of parliament, protecting prestige of the country, has declared: « Actually the foreign policy of States is drunk ». In the official statement of Brazil it is emphasized, that the president « is moderated in habits, and his behaviour does not differ from behaviour of other Brazilians ».
Lula as fellow citizens call the Brazilian president, it is popular. On elections in the autumn of 2002 he has collected more than 61 % of voices. For the first time for 40 years the president of Brazil became the politician from among left. Lula - the native of the environment of workers, antiglobalist. His main program refers to « Zero famine »: it that « each Brazilian could three times a day is without the help of the charitable organizations and free-of-charge kitchens ».
Sulejman Kerimov — the owner of 4,5 % of actions of monopoly
The deputy of the State Duma and the owner of company " Nafta-Moscow " Sulejman Kerimov has broken through in first ten Russian billionaires. As it became known to , structures of " Nafta" have finished the share in monopoly to 4,5 %. Now such package costs more than $5 billion.
"Nafta-Moscow" which belongs to Sulejman Kerimov, has started to buy up actions of "Gazprom" in the past to year, and in April of this year her share in gas monopoly made already 2,36 %. Then "Gazprom" for the first time has named company Kerimova among the shareholders in the report on results of release of bonds. Already in half a year, on official data of "Gazprom", the package of"Nafta" was reduced up to 2,125 % of actions. But, actually structures of Kerimov all this time increased a share in "Gazprom". And now she already makes about 4,5 %. “ From them of 2,1 % belongs directly to " Nafta ", and the rest " hangs " on structures, friendly to the Incorporated financial group which was engaged in buying up of actions ”.
The official representative of "Nafta-Moscow" has refused comments. But the source close to the company, has confirmed this information.
If so, Kerimov — one of the largest private shareholders of gas monopoly: on official data, it is more only at structures E. On Ruhrgas (6,43 %). In "Gazprom" have informed, that confirmation to this at monopoly is not present. “ To collect such package is not real. You represent, how many it was necessary to Kerimov on purchase of 4,5 % of actions? ” — the manager of monopoly is surprised. Yesterday this package cost in RTS $5,2 billion.
Source of an origin of capitals of Kerimov — aggressive buying up of actives. In 2002 “ Nafta ”, former once one of the largest traders in Russia, has practically turned petrotrade. But the company has participated in many loud corporate histories. In 2000 the companie has bought also year defended company " Varieganneftegaz " from group " Alliance ". In 2001 Kerimov together with structures of the partners — Roman Abramovich and Oleg Deripaska — has received a share in Andrey Andreeva's consisted from more than hundred of the companies the business: Avtobank, "Ingosstrakha", SK "Ingosstrakh-Russia", "NOSTA", etc. One more partner of Kerimov — Michael Gutseriev with whom they divide business center on Ordynka in Moscow. Kerimov in the real estate, one of his loudest projects — construction in Moscow suburbs of the ground of private city of 430 hectares ( the investment — $3 billion).
Initial share holding of "Gazprom" "Nafta" bought up in 2004 on the credit in $700 million taken in the Savings Bank on the security of actions. In April, 2004 when buying up was conducted, on this money it was possible to buy about 1,5 % of actions of gas monopoly. For the last year actions of "Gazprom" have added in the price of 89 %. But all 2005 of a paper grow by leaps and bounds: their price has grown twice — with $2.7 billion up to $5.1 billion. In separate days of a paper added in the price more than on 10 % a day. "If" Nafta " conducted buying up in the open market it is clear, why stock quotes of " Gazprom " all the summer long has grown”, — the representative of the large bank trading papers of monopoly notices.
Our russianbusinessmen prefer to invest in actions of "Gazprom" now. In the spring the owner of "Roskred" and IMPEKSBANK Boris Ivanishvili has declared, that his banks own more than 1 % of actions of "Gazprom". And actives "Inteko" of Elena Baturina in II quarter 2005 have grown on on $470 million, due to purchase of actions. Then in the press-service of the company have specified, that it is a question of papers of "Gazprom" and the Savings Bank. And the investments of Kerimov in "Gazprom" have made one of the richest people of the country: now first ten Forbes in Russia the president "LUKOIL" Vagit Alekperov with a condition closes $4,1 billion [...]
Last week the prime minister of Italy Romano Prodi suited small sensation - has reduced the salary to 30 %. "Authority" has tried to find out, how many in the different countries of the world pay for management of the country. It has appeared, not too it is a lot of.
Romano Prodi - the person modest. If not the newsdealers who have closely read through the project of the Italian budget which the government of the country last week has transmitted in parliament, anybody would not find out about a victim on which prime-minister of Italy has gone. From the project it is visible, that owing to new system of the taxation the Italian prime minister will receive less. If in this to year Prodi $156 thousand already in the following - on $47 thousand is less will receive. For ministers and their assistants reduction of salaries - on 25 % also is stipulated. Other officials it will not concern, but owing to new measures in the budget of Italy $2,16 million will arrive.
News have immediately picked up mass-media: not too often supreme state persons reduce to themselves the salary. However, for the sake of justice it is necessary to tell, as presidents and prime ministers not too often raise themselves the salary: too demonstrative care of own financial position can be incorrectly apprehended by voters. It on the experience was tested by the British prime-minister Tony Blair when has declared, that unlike predecessors is going to receive all means due to him. The matter is that in Britain the prime minister receives two salaries - as a member of parliament and as the first lord (the head of the government traditionally holds this post). However it is considered the extremely indecent if prime-minister "chooses" the salary completely. To the address of labourite Blair charges in avidity fell down, and oppositional leaders publicly expressed doubts that he fulfils a money due to him.
№1 in Russia
The leader. For fourteen years Oleg Deripaska has passed a way from the broker on a commodity exchange-raw up to the businessman which condition exceeds $21 billion
Speed from which first number has won a title of the richest Russian, characterizes his all career in the world of the big business. In 26 years Oleg Deripaska became the general director of the third on power in Russia of an aluminium factory(Sayan). Later six years, having united actives together with Roman Abramovich (№ 2 in Russia, $21 billion), he has headed holding « Russian aluminium », the third manufacturer in the world of primary aluminium. And in October, 2006 "Rusal", "Sual" and Swiss Glencore have signed the agreement on creation of the incorporated company which becomes the leader in branch. Merge should come to the end in April of this year. Estimated capitalization of the new company makes $25-30 billion, and cost of the share under control to Oleg Deripaska, – $16,5-20 billion. And all began with one aluminium factory in Eastern Siberia.
How many can cost incorporated "Rusal"?
Estimated cost of the company makes $28-33 billion Obviously, that the transaction on association of the Russian aluminium actives passed under supervision of the state and consequently in the further it is impossible to exclude his participations in business of holding,and now the structure of the company still precisely is not fixed– new actives are got, manufacture is modernized.
Family: Personal business
Russia. 90th years. The young and arrogant graduate of the Moscow State University is elected on a post of general director of an aluminium factory(Sayan). Behind him not only own actions and support TWG, but also hearings that he is the son-in-law of powerful vice-premier Oleg Soskovets. It is not known, who has started this hearing at which mention Oleg Deripaska mysteriously smiled, but that he has gone to him on advantage, will deny someone hardly.
The appeared messages on Oleg Deripaska's marriage and the daughter of the former head of administration of president Valentine Yumashev originally have apprehended as the next hearing, however in February, 2001 the aluminium magnate really married on Poline Yumasheva. And in 2002 at them son Peter was born.
In January, 2006 Putin "has presented" Berezovsky on the 60 anniversary nominal presidential hours (a photo and the certificate)
The disgraced oligarch Boris Berezovsky is known as the rigid critic of the Russian authority. It(he) accuses Vladimir Putin of the most different mortal sins: from the organization of explosions of houses in Moscow in 1999 before planning murder of fluent ex-security officer Alexander Litvinenko in 2006. For greater(big) merits and sufferings in struggle against the Russian authority the Great Britain has given to Berezovsky a political asylum.
And the Kremlin, appears, very much appreciates Boris Abramovicha's services. Want proofs? Them is at us. It appears, the President of the Russian Federation of Century of Century Putin has taken, and … has presented the political emigrant B.A.Berezovsky for 60-years anniversary which was roughly marked(celebrated) on January, 23rd, 2006 in London, the nominal presidential hours!
Wish to be convinced? Please!
Here so hours look(appear):
And here so - the certificate with the signature of the President of Russia:
Plagues, the money, two deers
Talent of Roman Abramovich, able to earn on the state, has found the application on Chukotka. From reach region he could create the profitable enterprise for himself
In the end of the last year Roman Abramovich ($21 billion) has officially declared the desire to leave a post of the governor of Chukotka autonomous region , having directed to the president of Russia the application on resignation. Vladimir Putin has not satisfied the request, as untimely leaving ofRoman Abramovich will create enormous uncertainty for several tens thousand inhabitants of district.
At the same time very few people doubts, that leaving of Roman Abramovich – business of time, and not so remote. The most probable the version that his resignation takes place after the statement « Strategy of development Chikotka till 2020 » which should be examined by the government of Russia in the spring of this year. In administration of district basically also do not hide, that the basic purpose of the program – to show, what will be Chukotka after leaving the present governor.
Talent of Roman Abramovich, able to earn on the state, has found the application on Chukotka. From reach region he could create the profitable enterprise for himself
In the end of the last year Roman Abramovich ($21 billion) has officially declared the desire to leave a post of the governor of Chukotka autonomous region , having directed to the president of Russia the application on resignation. Vladimir Putin has not satisfied the request, as untimely leaving ofRoman Abramovich will create enormous uncertainty for several tens thousand inhabitants of district.
At the same time very few people doubts, that leaving of Roman Abramovich – business of time, and not so remote. The most probable the version that his resignation takes place after the statement « Strategy of development Chikotka till 2020 » which should be examined by the government of Russia in the spring of this year. In administration of district basically also do not hide, that the basic purpose of the program – to show, what will be Chukotka after leaving the present governor.
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