Frank pictures of chancellor Merkel
Juicy pictures of the chancellor Angels Merkel have caused protests in Germany. The British reporters managed to photograph the german chancellor in one of the Italian hotels during change of a bathing suit, and from rear about what the chancellor and did not suspect.
The knees little bit turned inside, cellulitis on hips, the black bathing suit not so suitable on the size. Faces of object it's not visible, the head and a back are covered by a wide white bathing dressing gown, but the person does not raise the doubts – at least, at publishers of a tabloid.
The photos decorating the next release of the British tabloid, one of the well-known ambiguous signatures accompanies: " I'm Big in the Bumdestag ". Further – it's more: phrases with double sense, a word-play with the name of german parliament and an English word "back", analogies between economy and buttocks, between strikes and bends of a body.
Such sense of humour has not caused in Germans of delight. The press-secretary of the german government has explained similar low-grade pictures of the British journalists, and has declared, what even the chancellor has a right to a private life - she was on vacation in Italy with husband - Hoakim Zauer.

The official representative of the government has informed, that Merkel is not going to show charge: " She does not plan legal steps. The public verdict in Germany concerning these headings more than is clear ". Differently, Merkel has decided to ignore this as there are more serious affairs.
The press-secretary of the German government Thomas Shteg has declared, that publications of a tabloid – " not the best display of the British art ". This opinion has divided also the British embassy: " the press of the United Kingdom has old traditions of absence of respect: it's not necessary to overestimate value of article ".

In german mass-media the unknown wave of indignation has risen. German tabloid Bild has written, that in Britain " sneer at our chancellor ". A subtitle of article - " whence such hatred? " - shows a rhetorical question, considering traditional antipathy between national British and German press, considers Corriere della Sera.
Germans, many of which live preparation for the world championship forthcoming by summer on football, promise to revenge Englishmen on a field, having arranged Englishmen " grandiose scolding ".
The british correspondent of"The Times" in Berlin Roger Boyse considers, that article in The Sun - " the perverted compliment ". That fact, that a tabloid is interested in her, means, that today Merkel is the person who makes news. " Angel Merkel, apparently, has reached a level of Carolina Monako - her perceive seriously, our curiosity is satisfied ", - speaks Boyse.