Americans have declared the Brazilian leader the drunkard
The authoritative American newspaper « New York Times » has tried to distract attention of fellow citizens from scandal with violence above Iraq captured, having transferred arrows on destiny of Brazilians to which the alcoholism of 58-years president Luisa Inasiu Lula da Silva ostensibly threatens, because of this the head of the state forgets « some Portuguese words » and if sometimes as says strange things. The president, assures the edition, does not miss a case to drink a glass of beer, to toss of a glass whisky or a traditional Brazilian cocktail "kashasy". The newspaper explains to this also political failures of the president in struggle against corruption and poverty.
The press-service of the president of Brazil has named the publication « groundless, slanderous and a sample of the worst grade of journalism ». The president is going to bring an action against the newspaper. On this to her editor will be soon informed by the ambassador of Brazil in the USA. One of the Brazilian members of parliament, protecting prestige of the country, has declared: « Actually the foreign policy of States is drunk ». In the official statement of Brazil it is emphasized, that the president « is moderated in habits, and his behaviour does not differ from behaviour of other Brazilians ».
Lula as fellow citizens call the Brazilian president, it is popular. On elections in the autumn of 2002 he has collected more than 61 % of voices. For the first time for 40 years the president of Brazil became the politician from among left. Lula - the native of the environment of workers, antiglobalist. His main program refers to « Zero famine »: it that « each Brazilian could three times a day is without the help of the charitable organizations and free-of-charge kitchens ».
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