Plagues, the money, two deers
Talent of Roman Abramovich, able to earn on the state, has found the application on Chukotka. From reach region he could create the profitable enterprise for himself
In the end of the last year Roman Abramovich ($21 billion) has officially declared the desire to leave a post of the governor of Chukotka autonomous region , having directed to the president of Russia the application on resignation. Vladimir Putin has not satisfied the request, as untimely leaving ofRoman Abramovich will create enormous uncertainty for several tens thousand inhabitants of district.
At the same time very few people doubts, that leaving of Roman Abramovich – business of time, and not so remote. The most probable the version that his resignation takes place after the statement « Strategy of development Chikotka till 2020 » which should be examined by the government of Russia in the spring of this year. In administration of district basically also do not hide, that the basic purpose of the program – to show, what will be Chukotka after leaving the present governor.
Talent of Roman Abramovich, able to earn on the state, has found the application on Chukotka. From reach region he could create the profitable enterprise for himself

At the same time very few people doubts, that leaving of Roman Abramovich – business of time, and not so remote. The most probable the version that his resignation takes place after the statement « Strategy of development Chikotka till 2020 » which should be examined by the government of Russia in the spring of this year. In administration of district basically also do not hide, that the basic purpose of the program – to show, what will be Chukotka after leaving the present governor.
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