Company Walt Disney shook sequential corporate scandal. For commission for securities and exchanges OF THE USA it was possible to explain that top managers Disney arranged to themselves practically all their relatives and paid to them enormous compensation. But the shareholders of company about this until recently nothing knew.
Even the best public companies fairly often reveal by no means all essential facts in their financial account. Corporate scandals in THE USA and Europe of the last years (Enron, WorldCom, Parmalat) - bright to volume confirmation. But in such cases the very important for the company - to find that face, where it is necessary to stop. Indeed it is not possible to infinitely hide entire truth about the activity of the company: and control organs will not give, and shareholders not prostyat.
It is possible to say that the most widely known American company Walt Disney Co if did not pass this face, then at least close to it it approached. Lately company occurs in the center of different corporate scandals. This time this is "family" scandal.
As explained the workers of commission for securities and exchanges OF THE USA (SEC),
company did not open in the reports from 1999 through 2001 money payments and compensation to some directors of company. Most interesting in this situation in the fact that all of director, the obtained "excess" money, the relatives of the top managers of company.
In the account not it was reflected, for example, that Disney hired three children of the directors of company, who obtained yearly compensation from $60 thousand to $150 thousand.
Remained concealed before the shareholders the fact that husband of one of the directors were hired into the daughterly company with the 50-percent portion Disney and obtained yearly compensation for the sum of approximately $1 million.
Finally, the inquisitive workers SEC dug out, that in the account not were reflected the regular payments Disney the corporation, whose owner - one of the top managers of company. This corporation allowed to it different services - from the corporate aircraft to the driver, that are evaluated in $200 thousand yearly.
The deputy director of department for the penalties of the commission of Lind Tompsen it stated: "shareholders are extremely interested in the questions, which are concerned the attitudes of company with her directors.
The fact that the director of company they hid this connection, gives the possibility to shareholders to estimate their objectivity and independence ".
As the representatives of the commission stated: "Disney agreed to restore the disrupted order, without recognizing, but also without denying our conclusions". Moreover, company agreed not to disrupt the requirement of federal legislation in the region of disclosing the information in the future. For this they did not begin to fine it.
The members of commission began to call no one of the members of the council of directors, mixed in the scandal. But for workers SEC it was possible to explain during the past checkings that the children of the former members of the council of the directors Of revety Of bouvers, Stanley Gold and Watson's Raymonda worked on the company. It is assumed that the wife of director, who obtained legendary compensation, she was the husband of John brison, executive director of company Lifetime Television.
It is now unknown, it did leave company.
The Vice President of company for the corporate connections Disney Of zen'ya Of musha it refused to comment "gazete..Ru" statement SEC. "we do not comment on statement SEC, and we do not have as yet statement on this question", she said.
For Disney 2004 - truly unsuccessful. Moreover that against the company advanced are somewhat claim on the disturbance of copyrights, so even and shareholders attempt in the law court to prove that the present leader Disney Mayk Of eysner badly governs company.
True, until there is no resolution of law court for this question.
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