When in the past year the newspaper News of the World published communication, that prince Garry, to whom then there were 16 years, uses narcotics, royal family and its advisers probably sighed with relief.
Newspapers not one month noted in the behavior of prince the signs of the fact that it strayed of true, but finally, instead of joyfully opening of fire on straying tineydzheru, they published touching history about understanding and thoughtful father, prince uel'sskiy.
On seven pages in the number of 13 January News of the World it told about how prince Charles sent Garry to the center on the rehabilitation of druggies, after learning about the fact that its son smokes marijuana and much he drinks.
"Charles decided to frighten Garry, after sending him to the session of psychotherapy with the people, which suffer heroine dependence", it reported newspaper. According to the "friend of family" it "never no longer touched the narcotics".
In this entire touching history there is only one discrepancy: prince Garry visited clinic Featherstone Lodge before News of the World reported that it uses narcotics.
In the first in the life newspaper interview the former main expert according to the connections with the community of prince uel'sskiy Mark bolland recognizes that the sequence of events in the history was changed in order to present Charles in the advantageous light and to bring feature under the scandal.
"the fact that center they represented as the solution of problem, led me into the confusion, he says in the second part of the interview, published today in Media Guardian. News of the World they led into error ".
At that time some reviewers saw after the publication the hand Of bollanda, close friend of the then editor News of the World Of rebeki Of ueyd, but newspaper vozmushchenno rejected similar assumptions.
However, in interview Guardian Of bolland he says, that reported News of the World about a stay of Garry in clinic Featherstone Lodge already after newspaper assembled dossier about his alcoholism and use of narcotics.
"we stood before the selection, he stated. - it was necessary either to attain that these charges would not see light or to allow newspaper to publish them and to extract from this maximum benefit ".
It asserts that prince Garry visited Featherstone Lodge during June or July 2001, and journalists obtained the proofs of the fact that it uses narcotics, only during August or during September.
The News Of The World From the commentaries refused.
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