Political scientist Stanislav belkovskiy gave the interview for the German publication Die Welt, in which it asserts that Vladimir Putin is important businessman. According to him, "he checks 37% of actions" Of surgutneftegaza ", whose market cost is 20 billion dollars. Furthermore, it checks 4,5% of actions Of "gazproma". In company Gunvor, which trades in oil, Putin through his representative gennadi timchenko has 50%. In the past year its the turnover left 40 billion dollars, and profit - 8 billion ". If this information corresponds to reality, then only blocks of the shares Of surgutneftegaza and Gazproma make the President unattainable for the home-grown oligarchs. Their cost exceeds 32 billion dollars, and together with by indicated The the belkovskim half Gunvor, the state of the President occurs two times higher than the state of the very wealthy man of Russia, in version Forbes of the novel of Abramovich ($18,7 billion) and approaches the third place in the world list Forbes - to Mexican Carlos slimu Hull, whose state it is evaluated at 49 billion dollars.
In 2003 Of surgutneftegaz it ceased to reveal the data about its owners. To of this 37% regulation capital of company (41,2% of voting actions) belonged OOO the "leasing of prodakshn", which itself was daughterly company "surgutneftegaza". the "leasing of prodakshn" it was created at the end of 2003, by conversion from THE NK Of "surgutneftegaz", the former maternal company of holding. Thus, the management Of "surgutneftegaza" proved to be by the full-fledged owner of company, without being her formal owner. However, from 22 December 2006, Of "surgutneftegaz" do not manage portions in OOO the "leasing of prodakshn". After learning about this, on the market they addressed about the change of owner; however, during January NPF Of "surgutneftegaz" it reported that now manages 93% OF UK the "leasing Of prodakshn" and analysts assumed that this is measure for protection from unfriendly absorption. From other side, it is unknown, is the "leasing Of prodakshn", until now, the owner 37%- foot block of the shares of petroleum company, since since 2003 these actions could already many times replace owner.
Rumors assigned control over notorious 37 percent Of "surgutneftegaza" both to its Director-General Vladimir Bogdanov and et al. of the President of Russia gennadi timchenko, and also to Vladimir Putin himself. So that Stanislav belkovskiy only recorded one of the popular it was auditory and in practice it can seem that this shareholdings is checked not by Vladimir putin, but by the Pope. However, the probability of the second version is considerably less than the first - and the matter here completely not in holiness.
Relative to the origin 4,5% block of the shares Of gazproma, control over which Stanislav belkovskiy assigns to Vladimir Putin, it is sufficiently complicated. This packet belongs to the company Of suleymana Of kerimova "GNK" (former "Naphtha- Moscow"). Forbes was estimated the state Of suleymana Of kerimova into 7,1 billion dollars, whereas only block of the shares Of "gazproma" costs more than 10 billion dollars. This certainly, is strange, but hardly even indirectly proves the belonging of this block of the shares of gas monopolist with the President of Russia. Equally well Vladimir Putin could be one of the agents of Sergey mavrodi, who stated that in the beginning of the 90th by them to vauchery there was skupleno 7% actions Of "gazproma" and they were designed to the different people.
Itself Stanislav belkovskiy, commenting on the origin of this shareholdings, said, that only, that it can say that "they belonged and belong to foreign investors. Respectively occurred overflow from some foreign investors to others. Previous vygodopriobretateli, and present, were the citizens of Russia, hidden after the chains of off-shore companies ".
Here increasingly simpler with neftetreyderom Gunvor. Russia's first about it mentioned Ivan Rybkin before the presidential elections 2004, speaking that "well-known Abramovich, which stand in the shadow Timchenko, the brothers Koval'chuki and others answer for the business of Putin". But recently director Gunvor Of torb'orn Tornkvist it confirmed to agency Reuters that 50% of company belong to the friend of the President of Russia gennadi timchenko. To estimate the real cost Gunvor is sufficiently complicated. With the condition of the eternity of the administration of Putin in Russia (and, correspondingly, the constancy of contracts with the Russian petroleum companies), the cost of this neftetreydera can comprise not less than 20 billion dollars, which adds not less than 10 billions to the state of Vladimir Putin on the version Of belkovskogo. But so, or otherwise, it is obvious, that the President of Russia either skillfully disguises his state or he is one of most that convinced nestyazhatelem in the world. Indeed while the state of its friends, such as brothers Koval'chuki or gennadi timchenko, steadily grows, President himself, according to his declaration about the incomes, given in TSIK, more richly it does not become [... ]
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